Population status

Eastern Wood-Pewee
(Contopus virens)

The most reliable data for the Eastern Wood-Pewee in Canada are from the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) which provides good coverage of the breeding population and shows a large, consistent decrease since about 1970. This decline is seen across its Canadian range and continues through the most recent decade. The majority of the species' North American range is in the United States where BBS data also show a persistent, long-term decline in the continental population from the late 1960s, though smaller in magnitude than the Canadian trend.


Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis

Additional information on: Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis

Table 1: Population trends by geographic area
Geographic areaTime Period Table 1 - footnote 1 Annual trend Table 1 - footnote 2 Intervals Table 1 - footnote3
Canada Select to view graph of the geographic area: Canada 1970-2012; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1970-2012-2.8-3.2-2.3
Canada Select to view graph of the geographic area: Canada 2002-2012; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis2002-2012-2.7-3.8-1.7

Breeding Bird Survey in North America (BBS) - U.S. analyses

Additional information on: Breeding Bird Survey in North America (BBS) - U.S. analyses

Table 2: Population trends by geographic area
Geographic areaTime PeriodAnnual trend Table 2 - footnote 1 Limits
North America Select to view graph of the geographic area: North America 1966-2012; Breeding Bird Survey in North America (BBS) - U.S. analyses1966-2012-1.4-1.6-1.3
