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These categories reflect the current population status of the species relative to circa 1970 (late 1960s/early 1970s) or the closest available time period. This time period was selected as the reference point for assessing current population status of landbirds both because there are few data previous to this period for most landbirds, and because it is a reasonable conservation target for many species. However, desired conservation targets should be higher for species that were at very low population levels in 1970 (e.g. raptors and some species at risk). The Population Status is based on the magnitude and direction of trend and the annual indices from survey(s) that provide the best long-term information on the species, supplemented by other additional information as necessary.
The criteria for decreases and increases in the above table are symmetrical about zero in logarithmic scale and are equivalent in magnitude. For example, a 100% increase (Large Increase) is needed to reverse a 50% decline (Large Decrease). For more details see the Introduction and Methods section on this website.
The reliability with which the population status of a species can be determined varies depending on the quality and time period of data available for that species. The reliability of each data source used was assessed in relation to its statistical precision, coverage of the species’ breeding population or range, survey design, magnitude of the population change and other factors. The reliability of the Population Status is based on a cumulative assessment of all data sources used. For more details see Introduction and Methods section on this website.