Related links

The sites listed below may be of interest by providing further information on bird monitoring and population change in North America.

Some of the following hyperlinks are to sites of organizations or other entities that are not subject to the Official Languages Act. The material found there is therefore in the language(s) used by the sites in question.

State of Canada’s Birds 2012: This report provides a multi-species syntheses of results on the state of Canada’s birds and further discussion on their conservation issues and actions.

State of the Birds, United States of America: Government wildlife agencies and conservation groups produced these comprehensive analyses of the state of the birds in the United States.

Saving our Shared Birds: Partners in Flight Tri-National Vision for Landbird Conservation publication.

USGS Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) website: All raw data, USGS results, and trend maps are available on this website.

High Priority Monitoring Needs (2009): PIF website -- This document identifies continental-scale monitoring needs and suggestions for the best means of filling the gaps in long-term trend. It may be useful in assessing how well a species is monitored.

Landbird Population Estimates: This database provides global population estimates for all 448 native landbird species that breed regularly in Canada and/or the continental United States, as well as the data behind these estimates. The database includes data and estimates at several scales (e.g., continental, provincial, BCR), as well as indicating data quality, proportion of world population estimated to be in each region, and range size by region. Note: Canadian Population estimates are also supplied.

PIF Species Assessment Database: This database provides scores for vulnerability based on population size, density, distribution, and threats at the continental and BCR level, and the conservation action required, where applicable.