Population status

American Tree Sparrow
(Spizella arborea)

The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) provides the best population trend data for the American Tree Sparrow, since almost its entire winter range is well covered by the CBC. CBC data suggest little overall change in the continental population relative to 1970. Though CBC results combine data from the Canadian and United States' populations, the bulk of the American Tree Sparrow population breeds in Canada, thus the trend is probably representative of the Canadian population. The American Tree Sparrow breeds too far north to be well covered by the Breeding Bird Survey.


Picture of logo Christmas Bird Count (CBC)

Additional information on: Christmas Bird Count (CBC)

Table 1: Population trends by geographic area
Geographic areaTime PeriodAnnual trend Table 1 - footnote 1 Limits
North America1965-2012-0.6-1.70.4
