Population status

Eastern Towhee
(Pipilo erythrophthalmus)

The Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is the most reliable source of data for the Eastern Towhee, with good coverage of the species' breeding population across southern Canada. BBS results suggest that the population has exhibited a moderate decrease in numbers since about 1970. The steepest decline occurred prior to 1980. Populations appear to have been more stable since about 2000 (see graph below). The Eastern Towhee's continental population has undergone a long-term, steady decline since the mid-1960s.


Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis

Additional information on: Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis

Table 1: Population trends by geographic area
Geographic areaTime Period Table 1 - footnote 1 Annual trend Table 1 - footnote 2 Intervals Table 1 - footnote3
Canada Select to view graph of the geographic area: Canada 1970-2012; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1970-2012-1.1-3.21.3

Breeding Bird Survey in North America (BBS) - U.S. analyses

Additional information on: Breeding Bird Survey in North America (BBS) - U.S. analyses

Table 2: Population trends by geographic area
Geographic areaTime PeriodAnnual trend Table 2 - footnote 1 Limits
North America Select to view graph of the geographic area: North America 1966-2012; Breeding Bird Survey in North America (BBS) - U.S. analyses1966-2012-1.4-1.6-1.3
