Population status

Great Blue Heron
(Ardea herodias)

The Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) provides the best long-term national-scale picture of Great Blue Heron trends, and suggests a decrease of about 31% in the Canadian population since about 1970. These BBS results have high precision and provide good coverage of the breeding population for this easily recognized species. BBS results vary among the various Bird Conservation Regions that host the species and for which there are reasonably reliable results (displayed below). Results from the Great Lakes Decadal Colonial Waterbird Census and the British Columbia Coastal Waterbird Survey support an ongoing decline in abundance since the early/mid-1990s supporting the BBS results in those regions. Some smaller trend estimates are contradictory among neighbouring regions (e.g., Vennesland and Butler 2011).


Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis

Additional information on: Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis

Table 1: Population trends by geographic area
Geographic areaTime Period Table 1 - footnote 1 Annual trend Table 1 - footnote 2 Intervals Table 1 - footnote3
Canada Select to view graph of the geographic area: Canada 1970-2012; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1970-2012-0.9-1.7-0.1
Northern Pacific Rainforest Select to view graph of the geographic area: Northern Pacific Rainforest 1970-2012; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1970-2012-3-5-1
Boreal Taiga Plains Select to view graph of the geographic area: Boreal Taiga Plains 1970-2012; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1970-20120.9-13.3
Great Basin Select to view graph of the geographic area: Great Basin 1970-2012; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1970-20122.6-0.15.5
Prairie Potholes Select to view graph of the geographic area: Prairie Potholes 1970-2012; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1970-2012-1.1-2.80.6
Boreal Hardwood Transition1970-2012-0.9-1.70.1
Lower Great Lakes / St. Lawrence Plain Select to view graph of the geographic area: Lower Great Lakes / St. Lawrence Plain 1970-2012; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1970-2012-1-20
Atlantic Northern Forest Select to view graph of the geographic area: Atlantic Northern Forest 1970-2012; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1970-2012-1.2-2.50.1
Canada Select to view graph of the geographic area: Canada 2002-2012; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis2002-2012-0.1-1.81.9
Northern Rockies2002-20122.3-2.89

Great Lakes Decadal Colonial Waterbird Census

Trend of number of nests observed

View numerical data of the graph.


British Columbia Coastal Waterbird Survey

Additional information on: British Columbia Coastal Waterbird Survey

Assessment date: 2011

Table 2: Population trends by geographic area
Geographic areaTime PeriodAnnual trend Table 2 - footnote 1 Limits
Straight of Georgia Select to view graph of the geographic area: Straight of Georgia 1999-2011; British Columbia Coastal Waterbird Survey1999-2011-2.9-4.7-1.2
