Population status

Cackling Goose
(Branta hutchinsii)

Traditionally, Cackling Geese were managed as two populations in the Central and Mississippi Flyways: the Short Grass Prairie population, and the Tall Grass Prairie population, respectively. However, because these populations are comprised of geese that are genetically indistinguishable, and because birds from many breeding areas overlap in winter, these Cackling Geese are now managed as the Mid-continent population. Total numbers of Cackling Geese are difficult to estimate with traditional survey techniques, due to the extensive size and remoteness of their breeding range, and intermixing with Canada Geese on their wintering grounds. From trends in population size for all years where sufficient data were available from Lincoln estimates, it appears that Cackling Goose numbers have increased markedly since the 1970s. The population estimates averaged approximately 3.2 million adults from 2012–2016. The Cackling Goose is at an acceptable level relative to its national population goal. Detailed information on the population status of waterfowl species is available in the Population Status of Migratory Game Birds in Canada report (summarized version). To obtain a copy of the full version of this report, including tables and graphs, please contact ec.scf-oismiggibiers-cws-miggamebirds.ec@canada.ca


Population goal and acceptable levels of variation

Species/groupGoalLower levelUpper level
CanadaTo be determinedTo be determinedNot applicable
