The Gadwall is primarily monitored in its core breeding area through the Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey in western Canada, as well as the Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey of the Central Interior Plateau of British Columbia. The Gadwall popuation in Canada has shown a large increase since the early 1990s, following a period of prolonged drought in the 1980s. Gadwall populations are above their North American Waterfowl Management Plan goal in most surveyed areas (North American Waterfowl Management Plan 2012) and the population size in the traditional survey area is more than twice the objective of 1.5 million birds. The species is at an acceptable level relative to its national population goal. Detailed information on the population status of waterfowl species is available in the Population Status of Migratory Game Birds in Canada report (summarized version). To obtain a copy of the full version of this report, including tables and graphs, please contact
Additional information on: British Columbia Coastal Waterbird Survey
Additional information on: Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey in Western Canada and the Northwestern United-States
Additional information on: Cooperative Yukon roadside Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey
Additional information on: Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey of the Central Interior Plateau of B.C.