Population status

Varied Thrush
(Ixoreus naevius)

The Varied Thrush is well covered by the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) in much of its range, although coverage is poor in high-elevation habitat in southern British Columbia and more remote areas of the breeding grounds in northern British Columbia, Yukon, and Northwest Territories. BBS results indicate an estimated 45% loss of abundance in the national population since the early 1970s; the reliability of this assessment is considered to be medium. The Varied Thrush is below the lowest acceptable level relative to its national population goal (see BBS Canada graph below).


Population goal and acceptable levels of variation

Species/groupGoalLower levelUpper level
Varied ThrushMean abundance (first 5 years of survey)Goal minus 25% Not applicable

Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis

Additional information on: Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis

Table 1: Population trends by geographic area
Geographic areaTime Period Table 1 - footnote 1 Annual trend Table 1 - footnote 2 Limits
Canada Select to view graph of the geographic area: Canada 1970-2016; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1970-2016-1.3-2-0.5
Canada Select to view graph of the geographic area: Canada 2006-2016; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis2006-2016-0.4-3.31.7
Northwestern Interior Forest Select to view graph of the geographic area: Northwestern Interior Forest 1972-2016; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1972-20160.5-1.12.5
Northern Pacific Rainforest Select to view graph of the geographic area: Northern Pacific Rainforest 1970-2016; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1970-2016-1.6-2.7-0.5
Boreal Taiga Plains Select to view graph of the geographic area: Boreal Taiga Plains 1972-2016; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1972-2016-2.5-5.10.2
Great Basin Select to view graph of the geographic area: Great Basin 1970-2016; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1970-2016-3.6-5.7-1.3
Northern Rockies Select to view graph of the geographic area: Northern Rockies 1970-2016; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1970-2016-2.2-3.3-1
North America Select to view graph of the geographic area: North America 1970-2016; Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis1970-2016-1-1.6-0.4
