The Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) provides the most reliable information on the population status of Yellow Warbler in Canada, although survey coverage for this widely-distributed species does not include the most northerly breeding areas. BBS results suggest that the population has experienced an estimated 26% decrease since about 1970. This magnitude of change puts it very close to the border between the categories of moderate decrease and little change. At the regional level, populations vary from an increase in the Prairies Potholes Bird Conservation Region (BCR) to relatively stable or decreasing populations elsewhere (all BCRs with reasonably reliable results are displayed below). Currently, the Yellow Warbler population is right at the limit of the lowest acceptable level relative to its national population goal (see BBS Canada graph below). If the current negative trend continues, it is likely to drop below that level in the near future.
Additional information on: Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) - Canadian analysis
Additional information on: Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Ontario