Annual index results for Saskatchewan

Annual index graph for: Olive-sided Flycatcher

Note: the range of the vertical axis has been scaled to highlight pattern in the annual indices. If estimates are imprecise, the graph may not include the upper credible limits.

View definitions of the annual index table columns.

Annual indices for Olive-sided Flycatcher in Saskatchewan
Year Annual index Lower limit Upper limit
2011 0.105 0.00332 0.252
2012 0.141 0.0111 0.374
2013 0.151 0.0126 0.352
2014 0.124 0.00447 0.315
2015 0.334 0.0984 0.669
2016 0.159 0.0415 0.33
2017 0.0946 0.0051 0.234
2018 0.215 0.0401 0.538
2019 0.126 0.0012 0.354
2020 0.128 0.00243 0.412
2021 0.114 0.00252 0.346

Geographic area included in the Short-term trend for the Olive-sided Flycatcher

Map displaying regions covered by analysis of species: Olive-sided Flycatcher
      Coloured = Regions (analytical strata) included in trend estimate. The colour of the region reflects the approximate population trend in the region. The categories of trends based on the %/year values are indicated in the legend on the right, and the specific values can be found by searching on the analytical stratum trends for the same time-period and species.
      White = Regions not included in trend estimate

Bird Conservation Regions (BCR) with data included in Short-term trend estimates for Saskatchewan

This web site may be cited as: Smith, A.C., Hudson, M-A.R. Aponte, V.I., English, W.B., and Francis, C.M. 2023. North American Breeding Bird Survey - Canadian Trends Website, Data-version 2021. Environment and Climate Change Canada, Gatineau, Quebec, K1A 0H3

Any use of these BBS results for Canada should acknowledge the hundreds of skilled volunteers in Canada who have participated in the BBS over the years and those who have served as provincial or territorial coordinators for the BBS.

  1. Smith, A. C., & Edwards, B. P. M. (2020). North American Breeding Bird Survey status and trend estimates to inform a wide range of conservation needs, using a flexible Bayesian hierarchical generalized additive model. The Condor, duaa065.
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