Scientific Assessment to Inform the Identification of Critical Habitat for Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), Boreal Population, in Canada - 2011 Update

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5. Acknowledgments

This report is founded on the extensive body of scientific research conducted by provincial, territorial and federal jurisdictions, academia and non-governmental organizations. The outcome is a testimony to the on-going dedication, enthusiasm and collaboration amongst experts involved directly or indirectly in the recovery of boreal caribou in Canada.

Specifically, the work presented in this report greatly benefited from guidance, advice, and reviews provided by the following science advisors: Dr. Fiona Schmiegelow (Chair), Dr. Vince Crichton, Dr. Marie-Josée Fortin, Dr. Daniel Fortin, Dr. Mark Hebblewhite, Mr. Dave Hervieux, Dr. Nicholas (Nic) Larter, Dr. John Nagy, Dr. Tom Nudds, Dr. Richard Pither, Mr. Gerry Racey, Dr. Justina Ray, Dr. Jim Schaefer, Dr. Dale Seip, Dr. Ian Thompson, Mr. Tim Trottier.

EC is also grateful to the Boreal Caribou Science Management Committee, responsible for providing strategic direction and overall coordination of the development of the report. The group also acted as the core writing team and editorial body for the report and underlying documents. It was composed of: Ms. Cathy Nielsen (Chair), Mr. Stephen Virc (Co-Chair), Mr. Jason Duffe, Dr. Cheryl Johnson, Mr. Christian Malouin, Dr. Fiona Schmiegelow, Dr. Glenn Sutherland, Dr. Ian Thompson. Previous members: Dr. David Browne and Mr. Dean Nernberg.

The contribution of Ms. Jean Polfus and Dr. Mark Hebblewhite for leading the development of the habitat selection analyses and resulting report was also greatly appreciated.

A number of individuals also contributed in various capacities throughout the development of the project, as follows:

Geomatics and mapping:  EC/National Wildlife Research Centre Geomatics lab (Ms. Rebecca Baker, Ms. Bhavana Chaudhary, Mr. Thomas Giles, Ms Jeannine Paquette, Dr. Jon Pasher, Mr. Chris Patterson, Mr. Evan Seed, Ms. Valerie Torontow, Ms. Huili Wang) and Global Forest Watch Canada (Ms. Colleen Curan, Mr. Matthew Hanneman, Mr. Peter Lee).

Administrative: Ms. Aileen-Marie Schatz and Ms. Doris Aoun

Participation in workshops, analytical support and other expertise: Ms. Melissa Vance, Mr. Paul Johanson, Ms. Kim Lisgo, Ms. Jean Polfus, Mr. Robert Jagodzinski, Ms. Sue Cotterill, Mr. Pierre Vernier.

Finally, this work would not have been possible without the jurisdictions and organizations involved in boreal caribou recovery that shared their wealth of boreal caribou data.  They consisted of: Government of the Northwest Territories (Environment and Natural Resources), Ministry of Environment of British Columbia, Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Alberta Caribou Committee, Saskatchewan Environment, Manitoba Conservation, and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 

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